




Dhisto - Grupo de Investigação: Dhisto ? Design, História e Quotidiano
ARCPLAND - Architecture - Place - Landscape
SUSTENTA - Laboratório de Projeto Sustentável
Jorge Luís Firmino Nunes has a Ph.D. in Architecture, completed on December 12, 2012, from the Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. He earned a Master's degree in Contemporary Architectural Culture and Construction of Modern Society in 2002 from the Faculty of Architecture at the Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, and a Bachelor's degree in Architecture in 1993 from the same institution. Currently, he holds the position of Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Lisbon and is Vice President of the Scientific Council at the Faculty of Architecture of the Universidade de Lisboa. Jorge Luís Firmino Nunes has published 1 article in specialized journals, authored 15 book chapters, and written 2 books. Additionally, he has organized 3 events and participated in 5 others. As part of his academic contributions, he has supervised 1 doctoral theses and 44 master's dissertations. His achievements include receiving 5 awards and/or honors. Jorge Luís Firmino Nunes has been involved as a Doctoral Fellow in 1 project and as a Researcher in 2 projects. His work primarily falls within the field of Humanities with an emphasis on Arts, particularly in Architecture and Design. In his Ciência Vitae curriculum, the most frequent terms in the contextualization of his scientific, technological, and artistic-cultural production include operative criticism ideology, critical history, and Tafuri.



Nunes, Jorge (2018). Guia de Arquitetura do Porto, 1942-2017. Do Movimento Moderno à atualidade. Porto Architectural Guide, 1942-2017. From modern movement to the con. Lisboa. A+A Books. .

Nunes, Jorge (2013). Património Arquitetónico da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. . . ISBN:978-989-20-4158-2.

Edição de livro

(eds.).(2015). Proporção, des-Harmonias e Identidades / Proportion, dis-Harmonies and Identities. : . .

(eds.).(2007). Álvaro Siza, Candidatura ao Prémio UIA 2005 - Medalha de Ouro. : . .

(eds.).(2007). A Arquitectura na Escrita. : . .

(eds.).(2007). Pancho Guedes Manifestos, Ensaios, Falas, Publicações. : . .

(eds.).(2006). Uma Ideia para a Cidade da Covilhã, Nuno Teotónio Pereira, Candidatura ao Prémio Sir Robert Matthew ? UIA 2005. : . .

(eds.).(2006). Gonçalo Byrne, Geografias Vivas / Living Geographies. : . .

(eds.).(2006). Habitar Portugal 2003/2005. Selecção Mapei / Ordem dos Arquitectos . : . .

(eds.).(2006). Eduardo Souto de Moura, Vinte e Duas Casas/Twenty Two Houses. : . .

Capítulo de livro

Jorge Nunes(2023). Architecture and the end of history. In: , . . , pp. . .

Nunes, Jorge(2022). Manfredo Tafuri and autonomous architecture: A disciplinary discussion of the 1970s. In: , Creating Through Mind and Emotions . Londres. CRC Press, pp. 55-59. .

Nunes, Jorge(2021). Operative criticism and historical criticism in Manfredo Tafuri. In: , Tradition and Innovation . Londres. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 21-24. .

Neto, Maria João Pereira; Maddalluno, Raffaella; Nunes, Jorge(2021). Surviving in Pandemic Times - Can Good Design Help Us to Change Our Lives?. In: , Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare and Medical Devices . Cham. Springer International Publishing, pp. 651-658. .

Nunes, Jorge(2019). The internationalisation of Álvaro Siza and the myth of the traditional and conservative architect. In: , Intelligence, Creativity and Fantasy. 5th international multidisciplinary congress PHI 2019 proceedings . . Press/Balkema, Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 131-136. .

Nunes, Jorge(2019). Early years. Manfredo Tafuri and Rem Koolhaas´s first reflections on the Metropolis. In: , . Porto. CEAA/ESAP-CESAP, pp. 251-268. .

Nunes, Jorge(2018). Vienna 1900: Stage of modernities. In: , Modernity, Frontiers and Revolutions. 4th international multidisciplinary congress PHI 2018 proceedings . Leiden. CRC Press/Balkema, Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 69-73. .

Nunes, Jorge(2017). On Progress: Remarks on the Theoretical work of Adolf Loos. In: , . . , pp. . .

Nunes, Jorge(2016). Lisbon Between Resilience and Change: From the 1755 earthquake to the 1988 Chiado fire. . In: , . . , pp. . .

Nunes, Jorge(2016). Postmodern questions about Progetto e Utopia. In: , . . , pp. . .

Nunes, Jorge(2016). A dimensão clássica da Casa de Wittgenstein. In: , . . , pp. . .

Nunes, Jorge(2016). The Sound of the Sea: Sagres, an european heritage in search of identity. In: , . . , pp. . .

Nunes, Jorge(2015). Montanhas (Des)Encantadas: Duas Leituras Comparadas da Obra de Hugh Ferriss. In: , . . , pp. . .

Nunes, Jorge(2014). Sem Sombra de Koolhaas: Os Críticos Também Falham.. In: , . . , pp. . .

Nunes, Jorge(2014). Entre a Terra e o (Arranha-)Céu(s): Visões da Metrópole nos Pensamentos de Manfredo Tafuri e Rem Koolhas. In: , . . , pp. . .

Artigo em revista

Nogueira, Alex; Nunes, Jorge; Romão, Luís(2020). Towards a Digital Window. Interpenetrations, Challenges and Potential of Augmented Reality in Architecture. Spool, 7 (3), pp. 15-25.