To request funding for other purchases, the researcher will have to formalize her/his request according to the following documentation:



  • Funding requests should be submitted at least 30 days (prior to payment deadline).

  • The submission of all documents should be done through the Correspondence and Archives Department of FA-ULisboa (building 2) or by email to: sexpediente@fa.ulisboa.pt

  • CIAUD funding request process will only begin after all documents have been sent as indicated above.

  • All promotional materials must visibly display the logos of the FCT, ULisboa, the FA, and CIAUD; and correctly publicize FCT funding in accordance with the information and publicity rules - consult liability note.

  • Once the expense has been realized, it is mandatory to submit proof of the objects of the requested funding - examples.

[The provision of financial support by CIAUD for each researcher is subject to authorization, pending scientific production for each year and to the existence of an active/updated project file].