


Erminia Attaianese is an Associate Professor in Architectural Technology with the academic qualification (ASN) for the role of Full Professor in Architectural Technology (SSD: ICAR/12) at the University of Naples “Federico II”. She also teachs  Applied Ergonomics (BSc) and  User Centred Design (MSc).

Graduated in Architecture (1988), PhD (1993), certified European Ergonomist EurErg (1993), Human Factors expert (2005), she is also President of the Centre for the Registration of European Ergonomist (CREE), and Chair of the “Ergonomics in Design for All” Technical Committee of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA) since 2022.

She is the Editor-in-Chief of the Rivista Italiana di ergonomia/Italian Journal of Ergonomics and editorial board member of several scientific journals on Ergonomics and Sustainable Building Design.  Her main research interests are areas of expertise: 1) Ergonomics and Human Factors applied to the built environment, products and systems (hardware and software); 2) Usability and accessibility of buildings; 3) Human factors in building maintenance and maintainability; 4) Ergonomics in workplaces and work activities; 5) Human factors and sustainability issues applied to construction and green buildings. She is the author of more than 180 scientific publications.