


Roberto Liberti is Associate Professor in the disciplinary sector ICAR 13, Industrial Design e with lectures in the Fashion Design sector at the DADI Department of Architecture and Design  Industrial. He is the coordinator of the Degree Course of Design for Fashion of the Department DADI of Unicampania  He also coordinates the FA.RE. Fashion Research Lab with national and international research in  the fashion sector. He is responsible for the “FA.RE. Talents ”, directly  connected to the selection of VOGUE TALENTS ad Milano Moda Gradiate of the Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana that each year aims to select talents on behalf of the magazine.

He teaches in the courses of Design for Fashion during the undergraduate degree course in Design for Fashion and Master Degree in Design for Innovation, Fashion Eco Design curriculum of the University Vanvitelli. He graduated in Architecture, with a grade of 110/110 cum laude, achieved in 1996 at the University of Naples Federico II. In 1999 he obtained a PhD from the University of Studies of Naples Federico II with a doctoral thesis entitled "Environmental requirements of the product "at the Department of Architecture Configuration and Implementation in collaboration with Sheffield University, Hatfield - London and Oxford Brookes University U.K.

In the period 2001-2004 he holds research grants in the ICAR 13 sector entitled “The design of the services as a competitive strategy for the Fashion Driven sector ”with the Second University of Studies of Naples. In 2004 he took on the role of University Researcher (ssd ICAR 12) and in 2009 the role of University Researcher confirmed and the transition to the ssd ICAR 13. In 2014 he has attained eligibility as full professor (ssd ICAR 13). Since June 2006 he has been appointed as an associate professor (ssd ICAR 13) Faculty of Architecture Luigi Vanvitelli _ Second University of Naples, today University of Studies of  Campania Luigi Vanvitelli to the DICE department.