


Simin Davoudi is Professor of Environment Policy & Planning at the School of Architecture, Planning & Landscape, and Associate Director of Newcastle Institute for Sustainability, Newcastle University. She is past President of the Association of the European Schools of Planning (AESOP), Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, DEFRA/DECC Social Science Expert Panel, and Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) Climate Working Group 3. She has held visiting professorships at Universities of Amsterdam, Karlskrona and Nijmegen; led the UK Office of Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM now DCLG) Planning Research Network.

Served as a member for numerous international organizations, such as, the Department of Communities and Local Government’s Expert Panel on Housing Markets and Planning Analysis; the Research and Knowledge ****Committee of the Royal Town Planning Institute; the Expert Group for the EU DG Environment (on Thematic Strategy on Sustainable Urban Management) and DG Regional Policy (on Green paper on Territorial Cohesion); the Irish and Austrian EU Presidency Seminars.

Participated in several advisory boards, namely, the Advisory Group for the UK ESPON Contact Point; the Advisory Board of the Irish Social Science Platform; the Departmental Advisory Council for the University of Hong Kong; the Advisory Board of the BTH Swedish School of Planning; Expert Advisory Group for the ex-post Evaluation of the Interreg III (2006) programme.

Simin has undertaken research for a wide range of international and national organizations and research funding bodies and is published widely.