To request funding for registration fee, travel and/or support cost for a conference, the researcher will have to formalize a request according to the following:

  • Letter addressed to CIAUD's President (Letter addressed to CIAUD's President) (making reference to project name, name and dates of conference, presentation title, justification of how the mission will contribute to the undertaking of the project, detail of costs to be covered);

  • Liability Note - Mandatory completion and signature of the Liability Note;

  • Letter or email of acceptance of presentation;

  • Summary of presentation, including afiliation of the authors, following information in the Liability Note (it's mandatory to include the phrase: This work is financed by national funds through FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., under the Strategic Project with the references UIDB/04008/2020 and UIDP/04008/2020;

  • Fiscal and banking information of the entity promoting the event;

  • Travel and accommodation form - to purchase travel tickets and accommodation (if applicable) fill in Travel and accommodation form with simulation and budget;

  • Statement of no conflicts of interest (Statement of no conflicts of interest);

  • Equivalency to grant holder - FA teaching staff must complete a Request to equivalency to grant holder if requesting travel/living costs - only for researchers linked to the public service.


  • Funding requests should be submitted at least 30 days (prior to payment deadline);

  • The submission of all documents should be done through the Correspondence and Archives Department of FA-ULisboa (building 2) or by email to:

  • CIAUD funding request process will only begin after all documents have been sent, as indicated above;

  • All promotional materials must visibly display the logos of the FCT, ULisboa, the FA, and CIAUD; and correctly publicize FCT funding in accordance with the information and publicity rules - consult liability note.

  • Once the expense has been realized, it is mandatory to submit proof of the objects of the requested funding - examples.