Doctor of Architecture, specializing in urban design, urban and territorial planning, landscaping and urban history. Architect for the ETSAB, UPC (MH) (1984); Doctor Architect by the ETSAB (UPC) with the thesis on "Project spaces in a metropolis. Changes in the spatial structure of the central metropolitan area of Barcelona 1976-1992" (Cum Laude, 1998); receiving in 1998 the Extraordinary Prize of Doctorate.
Full Professor in the Department of Town Planning and Regional Planning (DUOT), at the Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura del Vallès, of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC).
Director of DUOT between 2008 and 2015; professor of the Master in Urbanism and the Doctorate in Urbanism at the UPC; Director of the Master's Degree in Urban and Territorial Development at the Fundació Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC.
He has been member of the Scientific Committee of the Institut pour la Ville en Mouvement IVM (Paris), expert Committee of Barcelona Regional; and since 2011, member and vice president of the Urban Habitat Consultative Council and the Neighborhood Plan (Barcelona City Council).
Co-founder of the architecture and urbanism studio Jornet Llop Pastor Arquitectes, with which he has obtained prestigious national and international awards: European Award of Urbanism 2010 and National Prize of Urbanism 2006; First Prize of the XI Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism of Spain 2013; and several Catalunya d’Urbanisme Awards, the most recent being the Catalunya d’Urbanisme Award 2016 with the Valls Municipal Urban Planning; and the Catalonia 2020 Territory Award.